Challenges need Heroes

Teamwork makes the dream work: together we are courageous, discover new things and drive innovation. As a reliable employer, we give you the power to implement your ideas. We train our TIMOs in a targeted manner to raise their strengths to a truly heroic level. We can only achieve our goals together, which is why we at TIMOCOM attach great importance to further training and development #Keepgrowing!

Discover inspiring success stories of our TIMOs who have undergone a fascinating journey of personal development during their time at TIMOCOM.

My journey through logistics

"I started my professional career at TIMOCOM in 2019, having previously worked in the freight forwarding industry while studying logistics and supply chain management. During my studies, I became aware of a vacancy in Account Management at TIMOCOM and decided to apply. This is how I started my career as an Account Manager in Sales for the Southern Germany region.

The foundation for my further development was laid by my Team Lead. They motivated me on my personal path to go deeper into strategic business and also to think outside the box. In this way, I was able to develop over time, first to Corporate Development Manager and then to Account Executive for Real-Time Visibility solutions.

Over the course of the last few years, my extensive practical experience, in-depth market and competitive knowledge, and profound knowledge of TIMOCOM's products have enabled me to make continuous progress and advance my career internally. These aspects have enabled me to continuously improve and succeed in my professional career.

Today I am happy in the department KAM with my position as Account Executive for Visibility Solutions."

Kubilay - Account Executive



My development in 11 years at TIMOCOM

"In 2012, I started my career as an event manager at TIMOCOM, at that time with significantly fewer employees*. In this role, I was responsible for planning and implementing trade fair appearances in Germany and abroad. I also organized company parties, which I particularly enjoyed. As I wanted to develop further, I took on various marketing projects for two years.

During my time at TIMOCOM, I completed my marketing degree on the side and with the support of TIMOCOM, in order to expand my practical knowledge and build up theoretical knowledge at the same time. In the course of time, I concentrated on product projects where the focus was on continuous marketing. In this context, I was allowed to build up a new product marketing team, consisting of three employees, whom I was able to recruit internally and externally for the team. At the same time, I had the opportunity to participate in a Google marketing training course with the support of TIMOCOM.

After the birth of my daughter, I returned to a team leader position in 2022 and took on a new exciting task: building the Field Marketing team, which I really enjoy. My entire development at TIMOCOM was supported by the marketing directors, the management Tim and Sebastian, and my wonderful colleagues. 

This way, I have always been able to learn new things along the way, develop myself further, take new steps and grow: all of this motivates me a lot.

TIMOCOM has always supported me in my curiosity and my greed for further education! And that's why I've been with TIMOCOM for so long, 11 years now - madness in the positive sense! Thank you for this great development and support!"

Vanessa, Team Lead Field Marketing

From optician to account manager at TIMOCOM

"Through detours I found my way to TIMOCOM. I started my career as a customer care employee in Italy, although this position had little to do with my previous job as an optician. Nevertheless, the position was fully in line with my skills. Already during the interview, my strengths were recognized and appreciated by the recruiters. The open and friendly nature of the employees from different countries and cultures surprised me positively and awakened the desire to also become a TIMO.

So I started my new professional challenge in 2017. Thanks to a detailed induction, I quickly found my way around my new tasks. Intensive internal training on logistics and processes in freight forwarding companies as well as telephone coaching helped me to look after customers professionally, as customer satisfaction is a high priority at TIMOCOM. A personal highlight during this exciting phase was my participation in the Transport and Logistics Fair in Munich. There I had the opportunity to personally meet the customers I was supporting on the phone every day and to deepen professional relationships. On the spot, my sales talent was discovered, which opened more and more doors for me to become an account manager. Since June 2018, I have now been working as an Account Manager, helping prospects and customers overcome logistics challenges and simplify processes around logistics using our Smart Logistics System.

TIMOCOM has not only contributed to my professional development, but has also brought about a positive personal change in me."

Francesco , Account Manager 




My development as a People Coordinator

I discovered my affinity for programming at the age of 13. So in 2001, I started my training at TIMOCOM as a software developer in application development. Over the next few years, I steadily developed with my area of responsibility until 2012, when we made a big change to the programming language and Java moved in. In this team ("Aias"), I worked in the role of Agile Master, a kind of process owner who supports the team in fulfilling their regular rituals.

In the past now more than 7 years, I have been steadily interested in my edge of the plate and the zone behind it. Often I have left it, and invested my time in personal education. I have devoured many books to engage with the "Next Level". In the process, I sought an external mentor in 2019-2020 to advise me on leadership (middle management) issues. And so it was not too long ago that the complete transformation occurred. When the position of Head-of-R&D became available, I showed interest. My previously only theoretical "self-education" in leadership opened up a new opportunity for me, but I was simply too inexperienced to fill the position completely. Therefore, we created the position of People Coordinator to start with.

In the past 22 years, I have learned from all events, good or bad. Time has shaped my entire character and shaped my knowledge. In the process, numerous TIMOs, intentional or unintentional, have accompanied my development. I am ready to learn all my life and I show it in my daily work.

On my personal way the motivation often came from small and big successes. But most of all it was the feedback from colleagues, family, friends that had encouraged me to continue in the direction I had chosen. I not only pursued learning-on-the-job and exchanged knowledge, but also continued privately and educated myself on different levels. The highlight was creating my own game for mobile devices, which I built for Apple between 2009 and 2017, and later for Google between 2018 and 2022. Currently, I'm working on a serious (and important) healthcare product, continue to learn new things every day, and enjoy sharing my knowledge (professionally with coworkers and privately with students who want to learn programming).

Damian, People Coordinator Research & Development


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